Books by Alessandro Baricco (2)


Seda by Alessandro Baricco ES

Rating: 4.5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
El autor presentaba la edición italiana de este libro, que tuvo un éxito extraordinario, con estas palabras: ésta no es una novela. Ni siquiera es un cuento. Esta es una historia. Empieza con un hombre que atraviesa el mundo, y acaba con un lago que perma


Silk by Alessandro Baricco EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
In 1861 French silkworm merchant Hervé Joncour travels to Japan, where he encounters the mysterious Hara Kei. He develops a painful longing for Kei's beautiful concubine - but they cannot touch; they don't even speak. And he cannot read the note she sends him until he has returned to his own country. But the moment he does, Joncour is enslaved.Subtle, tender and surprising, Silk is an evocative tale of erotic possession.